Geoffrion Photography is a joint effort of photographers Liz and Ken Geoffrion.
Liz enjoys capturing all aspects of nature. Ken's interest are very eclectic, including landscape, architecture, nature and people -- both portraiture and 'street photography.'
"Street photography is an art photography that features the human condition within public places and does not necessitate the presence of a street or even the urban environment. The subject of the photograph might be absent of people and can be object or environment where the image projects a decidedly human character in facsimile or aesthetic. The origin of the term 'Street' refers to a time rather than a place, a time when women achieved greater freedom, when workers were rewarded with leisure time and when society left the privacy of their sitting rooms, people engaged with each other and their surroundings more publicly and therein the opportunity for the photographer.
...Street photographers create fine art photography (including street portraits) by capturing people in public places, often with a focus on emotions displayed by people in public, as in public display of affection between lovers or a parent caring for his or her children, thereby also recording people's history from an emotional point of view...." (Wikipedia)
Note: The photographs of people on this site are displayed purely as the artistic expression of the photographers, Ken Geoffrion and Liz Geoffrion.